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Ahmad Mahdzan | Noran Fauziah | Fairy Mahdzan | TeamHardCorePavement |
Mangroves And Ecotourism: Ecological Or Economical?1. Anatomy And Taxonomy Of TourismWhat is tourism?
Y = C + I + G + (X – M)
where Y is the GNP, C is private consumption expenditure, I is private investment, G is government expenditure, X is value of exports and M is value of imports. Thus, while domestic tourists collectively contribute towards C, i.e. private consumption expenditure, by spending on transportation, accommodation, food, entrance fees, etc., foreign tourists bring in much-valued foreign exchange earnings via X in the GNP equation. The government spends part of its revenue (via G) to provide the infrastructure to make the tourists more comfortable and enjoyable by building new airports, roads, highways, parks, and museums, and by restoring of historic buildings and sites, etc. The private sector, in anticipation of an influx of tourists, both domestic and foreign, invests (via I in the equation) in new hotels, lodges, restaurants, while residents near tourism sites may be encouraged by the government to spruce up their homes for added income via home-stays for those tourists who prefer to learn more about local culture and way of life. All the four components (C, I, G, X) contribute positively to the growth of GNP. However, “imports” (M) tend to negate the size of the GNP; these include outflow of our own tourists to foreign destinations, imports of exotic foods and equipment by hotels, restaurants and other tourism-oriented establishments, materials for building such as steel, transportation equipment, etc., which all tend to drain foreign exchange. Added to these negative flows, and often ignored in conventional national income accounting, are the various negative “externalities” such as damage to the environment via air, soil, noise and water pollution, brought about by sudden increase in vehicular traffic, excessive land clearing and tree felling to make way for hotels, new airports, reduction in biodiversity, and other environmental degradation, unless there are legal provisions to mitigate the impacts of all these phenomena. If one is interested in the Net National Product, then one should incorporate these environmental losses into the calculation, which is referred to as “green accounting,” a very tedious process, to say the least. The literature on tourism seems to distinguish two broad categories of tourism – mass tourism and nature tourism. The tourist arrival figures published by the Malaysian Tourism Board would best be described as mass tourism – that is the sum total of all visitors to our country regardless of their specific purpose of, or specific site for, coming here. Once they are in the country, if they decide to visit the National Park, then we could classify them as ecotourists or nature tourists. If they remain in Kuala Lumpur area, or move on to another city, like Penang, or Langkawi, for instance, I would regard them as general or “mass” tourists (Ayob, 2003). Thus, nature tourists are a subset of the mass tourists, and they possess special profiles, which we need not go into here.
Tourism receipts in Malaysia totalled RM9174.9 million in 1995, and surged to RM25,781.1 million in 2002, growing at about 15.9% annually during that period. The 2003 receipts however dropped drastically to RM 21,292.1 million due to SARS. Despite the big drop, one can appreciate the rising importance of this industry’s contribution to foreign exchange earnings from the following figures: tourism’s share of the travel receipts in the services account of the balance of payment has increased from 20% in 1997 to 48% in 2002 (Public Bank 2003). Tourist arrivals in Malaysia are shown in Chart I, which indicate that tourist arrivals dropped by about 24% in 2003 due to the SARS scare. In 2003, about 56% of the tourists are from Singapore, which is not surprising as the island city is our closest neighbor.
What is ecotourism?
If ecotourism is to have minimal impact on the area and the local people,
then the tours will have to be in small groups of 5-15 people because
the tour normally involves an interpretative session; and it is easier
to get people’s attention when groups are small. If groups are larger,
there is also the danger that people will trample on each other and spoil
the fun for everyone. They might also step on rare plants or frighten
the wildlife there. Some may wander away from the main group and miss
the educational part of the visit – the interpretation session. The development of mangroves as ecotourism sites is growing worldwide, at least within the subtropical regions of the world, which make up their habitat. Browsing the Internet, one is overwhelmed by websites that mention mangroves as potentially viable as ecotourism destinations; you just type “mangrove ecotourism” and you will understand what I mean!
Papers by Ahmad Mahdzan (PhD) and Noran Fauziah (PhD) Mangroves And Ecotourism: Ecological Or Economical? Bullying among Malaysian Elementary School Children Procrastination Among Students in Institutes of Higher Learning: Challenges for K-Economy Preferences For Outdoor Recreation: The Case Of Pulau Payar Visitors Development of Graduate Education in Malaysia: Prospects for Internationalization Higher Education and Socioeconomic Development in Malaysia: A Human Resource Development Perspective Business Of Higher Education In Malaysia: Development And Prospects In The New Millennium Papers by Farah Mahdzan Descriptive Study of Phonological Differences between Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia Asian Americans: An Analysis of Negative Stereotypical Characters in Popular Media |